From my friend Sabine, near San Diego: “The sun looks quite red and foggy this morning. This is the sun at 8:30am, seen from my doorsteps. The fires continue and nobody stays outside. The dust makes the air too difficult to breathe.”
Over a half million people have already been evacuated from their homes.
for full coverage
and more pictures on Flickr
I wonder/fear how many will interpret this fire in terms of Nostradamus.
It’d be fine if they blame it on Nostradamus. Wait until they blame Saddam, oh wait he’s dead, I meant Ben-Laden.
–end irony
It’s quite sad to witness such natural/nature destruction and having no one to blame but us.
In your opinion, is there a general perception in Europe that Americans look for other people to blame their problems on?
– Huh, and I just thought that was my personal life strategy 🙂
I see the irony in your comment, but I really am curious about the underlying message/feeling. Is it tied mostly to the Iraq war – or does it go deeper? (not looking for any argument, honestly just curious about general thoughts/feelings)
With natural disasters, I agree it is sad to witness the destruction, but I haven’t heard anyone try to blame things on anyone. Although after the last Hurricanes, there was a degree of frustration within the US with the federal government over the slow response time in relief efforts.
Andrés got my point, how long are we going to blame somebody else? The houses were built too near to vegetation, were built in fire prone areas, did not complain to tougher standards (e.g. fire resistant roofs, ventilation etc.).
Add a spark, the drought (do not want to comment on the causes of that) and the strong wind, and here you go. ‘Nostradamus knew it all’ I say.
Oh, I see. I agree that it is also interesting how superstitious people can be (I think that is the right word), – much easier than taking responsibility. Both while traveling in Africa and South America I have come across new superstitions that strike me as funny (i.e. women should not sit on concrete or they will not be able to have babies, or that you can’t let a witch get a hold of anything like a tooth you lose or who knows what control they will have over you, etc…). Hearing them made me remember times when my sister tried to convince me that it was good luck if we touch something metal on the car and hold our breath as we went under bridges. Funny.
You heard it here first!
From Fox News:
Doocy: Allison Camerota, an FBI memo from late in June of this year is popping up this morning and it is ominous.
Camerota: This actually has happened for many years in the past as well. An FBI sent out to local law-enforcement said that an al Qaeda detainee had given them some information that the next wave of terrorism could be in the form of setting wild fires. Adam Housley said lots of people on his block were asking him about it. Obviously this is something the FBI has looked into. They will continue to investigate it.
My point here was not on who blames who, but how politicians will just use anything at hand (be it true or not) to help their cause. It happens in the USA, it happens in Spain. Then we have the media, or 5th power, just spreading the bullsh|t with no filter.
Ha! Andres – maybe you are the reincarnation of Nostradamus – the way you can predict things!