by Clint | Nov 22, 2007 | Conferences, e-learning
We had a great PhD day seminar, with about 13 participants from Finland, Estonia, Australia, UK, USA, and Spain. We want to thank Ulla Kakkonen and Eeva Turtiainen for allowing us to use the facilities at The Evangelic Folk High School of Kitee, and Ulla even teaching...
by Clint | Oct 30, 2007 | Conferences, e-learning, Global virtual teams, Technologies for Intercultural Communication
Thanks for all who participated in an interesting seminar! Don’t forget the next seminar at Kitee on 21.11.2007 (see We still need some work on figuring out the best ways to handle video and audio in this environment...
by Clint | Oct 25, 2007 | Conferences, e-learning, Key Questions
I present today at the European Distance and E-learning Network’s (EDEN) 6th Open Classroom Conference. The theme of the conference is “Real Learning in Virtual Worlds”. I have already learned some valuable things and will blog them throughout the...
by Clint | Oct 20, 2007 | Conferences, e-learning, Web 2.0
To begin with, click here to subscribe to the EdTech Google calender that Ilkka has kindly created: ______________________________________________ University of Joensuu EdTech Ph.D. Seminar Program for 21.11.2007 **The tentative schedule will look something...
by Clint | Jul 19, 2007 | Conferences, e-learning, Web 2.0, Web Analytics
I just participated in the e-Learning DevCon 2007 conference over the last three days, and here were some of the topics and practical skills that I learned more about: How to create effective simulations for learning What Web 2.0 things do and do not work for...
by Clint | Jun 26, 2007 | Conferences, Cross-cultural perspectives, Key Lessons
Laws, Howell & Lindsay (2003) contributed a thoughtful article called: Scalability in Distance Education: Can We Have Our Cake and Eat it Too? In this article they provide justification for the view that in online education there are trade-offs. For example, if...