by Clint | Sep 5, 2009 | Global virtual teams, ICT4D, Technologies for Intercultural Communication
Here is an intro video for the course I have been asked to teach beginning January 25th – April 9th, 2010: ICT for Inter-cultural/Inter-faith Development (ICT4ID) Bridging the West and the Middle East: A global classroom experience offered in conjunction with...
by Clint | May 24, 2009 | ICT4D, Technologies for Intercultural Communication
Building off the previous entry, I ask why, when we think about helping “the poor”, do we have a tendency to focus on our own dreams, but on their needs? What if instead of doing a “needs analysis” we tried doing a “dreams...
by Clint | Feb 6, 2009 | Global virtual teams, ICT4D, Innovation, Technologies for Intercultural Communication, Web 2.0
Below are some details for a unique course I will soon be teaching on ICT4D (Information and Communication Technologies for Development). The Masters and Ph.D. students taking this course will be from and located in different places around the world (Africa, Asia,...
by Clint | Sep 21, 2008 | ICT4D, Innovation, Key Questions, Technologies for Intercultural Communication
I am back in Finland again. (Have I ever mention how much I like this place? – If you have never been to Finland before, you need to reconsider your life goals) 🙂 Part of why I like the University of Joensuu is because of their strong international programs, and...
by Clint | Aug 2, 2008 | ICT4D, Key Lessons, Technologies for Intercultural Communication
Taking the ideas from the last two entries (about mistakes that was nick-named the “wireless village”. Essentially, in the middle of nowhere Africa, some people from the US (Inveneo) had spent a ton of money to create a way for 5 remote huts (in an area...
by Clint | May 18, 2008 | Conferences, Innovation, Intercultural communication, Technologies for Intercultural Communication, Web Analytics
Just returning from Denmark (land of some of my ancestors), where I presented a paper at the Aarhus School of Business – “Knowledge 360” conference. Perhaps the best thing about presenting my paper “Tools and Techniques for Online...