To begin with, click here to subscribe to the EdTech Google calender that Ilkka has kindly created:
University of Joensuu EdTech Ph.D. Seminar Program for 21.11.2007
**The tentative schedule will look something like this.
10:00am – We will car pool from the Science Park at to the Kitee Folk High School
12:00 – We will have a short lunch
1:00-3:00pm – Presentations (I am not yet sure if we will be able to broadcast this one to all EdTech students or not.)
So far we have:
1. Michael de Raadt (visiting from University of Southern Queensland, Australia) – will present and raise some questions about Peer Assessment:
- Is peer assessment a valid form of assessment?
- Can peer assessment save instructors time?
- Should students be rewarded for participating in peer assessment?
- Can students give accurate subjective reviews of a peer's work?
He will also discuss the approach to distance education (and education in general) from an Australian perspective less formally, if people are interested.
2. Antti Rainio (from the Kittee Folk High School) – will present about TEDIT ? (Towards Equality and Democracy Through IT-education):
- TEDIT is a planned project for years 2008-2011 in Lusaka, Zambia. Project is about giving skills to 24 Zambian people to teach computers and to understand democracy and good administration as well as project coordination. Aim is that these people can spread this knowledge and offer basic computer skills education to 200 orphans during the project. In larger scale the project is about enhancing democracy and equality in the Zambian society.
3. Eeva Turtiainen (one of our students and also working at Kitee Folk High School) – will present about her “not-so-ready” research plan đŸ™‚
- Title “Educational games in mathematics”.
4. Clint Rogers (visiting researcher at Joensuus Yliopisto) – will present about his evaluation of and recommendations for the IMPDET program.
- Evaluation of the IMPDET program
3:00-5:00pm – We will have small group discussions and brainstorming sessions.
5:00-8:00pm – We will continue discussions over a nice dinner and time in the sauna, steam room, and pool (Unfortunately for sure we will not be able to broadcast this part). Clint will also be bringing materials for everyone to learn how to make a type of Smores. Yum!
8:00pm – Some will travel back to Joensuu
For those of us who are staying the night, we will watch a movie that one critic said “This film will impact the course of your life forever.” After we will discuss the learning/teaching approaches in it and potential implications for educational technology
As people continue to submit ideas for presentation at this seminar, I will post them here accordingly.
University of Joensuu EdTech Ph.D. Seminar Program for 30.10.2007
**Thanks for a great seminar – recording URLs can be found at: http://www.clintrogersonline
This was at 10:00am (GMT +3) in the EdTech Lab – but as we will be including any of our students or faculty around the world who want to participate, you can go to the World Clock Meeting Planner to see what time it will be for you where you live.
If you are at a distance, you must simply click on this URL to join the meeting: http://connectpro64128288.emea
Here was the initial program.
(9:45-10:00) People at a distance should click on the link, and we will work out any bugs before the meeting begins.
10:00-10:10 Welcome and Introductions by Erkki – (and distribution of Halloween Candy by Clint)
10:10-10:30 Presentation by Marjo (from California): about her research and experiences in San Diego
10:30-10:45 Presentation by Temtim (from Ethiopia): Introduction of himself to the research group
10:45-11:00 Short break
11:00-11:30 Demonstration (and discussion) by Illka and Javier of North-South Gateway (e.g. progress on Tug-of-War)
11:30-11:45 Informal discussion on some spontaneous topic of interest
11:45 – Presentation by AndrĂ©s: “What to do in Tanzania during November” (see: Copy of AndrĂ©s Presentation – please review in advance)
Hi There,
I reached your blog while researching on Education Technology. I wish to apply for IMPDET PhD and need some information about it from you as you seem to be concerned with similar issues as I am. Would you kindly provide me your contact details, if you can.