What happens in Vegas…

…gets posted to the Internet! I just finished participating in an interesting seminar in Las Vegas and a shorter seminar in Toronto. One of the most memorable events was in Las Vegas when we were separated into groups to do something that seemed unlikely to...

Nobel Peace Prize winner F.W. de Klerk on global inter-connectedness, the root causes of conflict, and the role of U.S. leadership: What can one person do?

What can one person do to make the world a better, safer place? In a previous blog entry I talked about meeting Nelson Mandela, who is such an inspirational character. On Tuesday of this week I met and shook hands with his predecessor as president of South Africa,...

Announcing the EDULINK Consortium of African and European Universities for ICT4D: …And discussing ways in which Africa is already rich (and can give aid to the world)

I am back in Finland again. (Have I ever mention how much I like this place? – If you have never been to Finland before, you need to reconsider your life goals) 🙂 Part of why I like the University of Joensuu is because of their strong international programs, and...