by Clint | Apr 18, 2010 | Intercultural communication, Key Questions, Religion
What is it about human nature that often makes it difficult for us to enter a place of uncertainty or at least openness to listen & learn without needing to so quickly prove & convince? What do You think it is that might allow You to open vs close? I went to...
by Clint | Apr 7, 2010 | Cross-cultural perspectives, e-learning, ICT4D
Here I am in Kenya, where we had a great session today at the university. The students and faculty at Maseno University, Kenya, came up with what they think are the 5 Most Dangerous Trends, and 5 Greatest Opportunities for ICT4D in Africa. What do you think? Do you...
by Clint | Apr 7, 2010 | Intercultural communication, Key Questions
Do you agree with this quote that I heard today? “Reality is a commodity.”
by Clint | Apr 5, 2010 | Cross-cultural perspectives, Key Questions
Greetings from Dubai! I’m struck by how much it has changed since last time I was here about 2 years ago. Everything from the world’s most expensive hotel to the world’s tallest building all leave a distinct impression of Awe – especially...
by Clint | Mar 8, 2010 | Global virtual teams, Intercultural communication, Key Lessons, Key Questions
Thank you all my friends, family, and colleagues who have wished me a happy birthday, or simply been a happy part of my life! I’m feeling blessed to know you. On the airplane to Orlando today I created this short 1 minute video clip for you: If things like...
by Clint | Feb 9, 2010 | Global virtual teams, ICT4D, Innovation, Intercultural communication
Nearly 100 top students and professionals from over 30 countries have joined together to innovate new ways for us to better utilize (or even create) emerging technologies that can bridge some of the cultural/philosophical differences in the world. The course, called...
by Clint | Dec 31, 2009 | Cross-cultural perspectives, Global virtual teams, ICT4D, Key Lessons
What would you like to see become reality in the new decade? I’ve been lucky to welcome the decade from the beautiful country of Jordan. Here is a short clip I took during one of my lectures here at the University of Jordan… I am here in preparation for...
by Jason | Dec 12, 2009 | Key Lessons
Tonight I finished Tim Brown’s book, Change by Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation (Tim Brown is the current CEO of design giant IDEO). In the book he discusses his way of framing a design problem, “How might we . ....
by Clint | Nov 30, 2009 | Global virtual teams, ICT4D
Here is the CNN iReport from Thanksgiving, that I’d like for you to watch and share: 10 Days to Touch 10 Million movement, suicide prevention, inspirational viral film, your life matters! **iReport – The 10 Days to Touch 10 Million movement started as a...
by Jason | Nov 16, 2009 | Innovation, Key Lessons, Key Questions
Watch Sir Ken Robinson’s Hammer Lecture from early 2009. It is long, nearly 90 minutes, but very much worth the time. What is your Element?