I’m struck by how much it has changed since last time I was here about 2 years ago.
Everything from the world’s most expensive hotel to the world’s tallest building all leave a distinct impression of Awe – especially considering about 50 years ago this was all simply desert.
This world is such a fascinating place, and I am growing to love its people all over more and more. I’m so grateful to live in it and be a small part of learning with You about it all.
I flew here from New York, where I shot this short clip at “Ground Zero”
From “Ground Zero” New York City, Dr. Clint Rogers talks about the Moments of Crises we all will face, asking what will be brought out of us in those times? How will you respond in moments of crises?
He also asks what your view is of human nature – are you optimistic that things are getting better, or are you worried things will get worse?
And most importantly, what is your part in the whole – what is Your Compelling Future, what are you willing and excited to live for and create?
I believe in evolution in everything. Getting better and better continuously. However, we might not be able to judge about the genuine good or bad. The whole universe is pacing its evolutionary way.
As always, Clint, inspiring. Thanks.
Oh, and what inspires me? Helping other people. I think things are getting, not better or worse, but more extreme. I hope I have the chance to help other people find faith and peace as the world continue to grow more extreme.
What would I do in a crisis? I am not sure. I have been fortunate to not have lived through a crisis. I have talk with one lady that did and I agree with Austin that helping others is what I would hope I would do. As Clint mentioned at the end of his ‘Ground Zero” clip I see us dealing with far greater things in our day-to-day lives. My circle of influence, is it better because of my actions? May it be so.
Hello Dr Clint,
Love your video but you gave me a lot to think about. I will have to get back to you on your question “What are you willing to live or die for?” Great question. Erica N.
Clint, Very nice video. The way I have always believed is that no matter what the crisis, if there was something I could do to help others. I would. This is the way I am.
Thanks for sharing.
Clint Great Post, I really enjoyed the thoughts. Not sure if we have the same perspective or not, but having been to Ground Zero (both in 2001 to help, and since) I can relate.