Preparing for Finland

I love to talk about Finland! I am surprised by how little most people in the US know about Finland (including myself before about two years ago). It seems like the ones who do know about it love it, are passionate about it, and know quite a bit about it (I even...

Nothing inspirational – just some funny signs

Well, I am finishing up my last night of another round-the-world tour. I ended this trip in Turkey and now China. Since I don’t seem to have anything inspirational to say, I think I’ll simply post one of the funniest signs from the trip. It is a tough...

A great idea – teach natural consequences

I am currently at a conference in the Colorado mountains (preparing to give a keynote address at PIDT), and near the lodge of the place we are staying one of my colleagues (Peter Rich) pointed out this sign: Instead of saying what we should do or should not do (e.g....

Why the name – focal fish?

OK, so people may wonder why the name of my blog…and it is a valid wonder. In my dissertation defense I was giving some background information regarding the way that culture impacts learning. I used as an example of differences in perception a study referenced...