Do You believe certain questions can lead to a better future?
After presenting at the ACP House in Brussels, heart of the European Union, to delegates from around the world yesterday, in this video I asked some questions to that I hope have that effect. See what you think…
What are your thoughts?
The experience attempted to use ICT, video, discussion, etc, to make more tangible the on-the-ground realities of so-called “developing countries” — trying to move beyond simple answers and instincts that often come from us vs. them mentality.
Good video Clint!
How did your presentation go?
About the bonus question….I need a good sleep to come up with a good answer ^^
Clint, I love your enthusiasm for making this world a better place through small, simple, practical actions and ideas. More we centric is key! Thanks for your thoughts.
How did I get so lucky, to be related to so much pure awesomeness?
It is such an honor to know you, Clint Rogers. You are an inspiration.
Each of us, in our own way, in our own small places and in the nooks and crannies of our lives can bring light or darkness, can choose love or indifference, can embrace or push away. Right here is the perfect place, right now is the perfect time. Wherever you are, whoever you are, it is all about, the future of the world is all about, the choices you make today– large and small.
It has been always nice seeing you handling those great projects i adore you! keep it up i will be listening to the question clip later and i intend to participate in answering
Jeremy Rifkin Author of ‘Empathic Civilization’ talks about how much more “WE” we already are.
The idea that we should be more “WE” as a goal is a product of a culture that is currently very “WE” & is further transitioning. Culture seems to be going from feeling one with just blood family, then religious family, then nation family, then human family, then biosphere family…
Cultural growth macrocosmicaly reflects the way of healthy microcosmic self growth (from ego-centric, to ethno-centric, to world-centric…).
He suggests that the stories of our empathic civilization are written on the blank pages of history and there are many of them.
Here’s a video of Rifkin talking about how progress is being redefined by millennial kids in a world with internet, global awareness…
whatever person does if he or she gives credit to almighty GOD then me get vanished and we or you becomes dominant.
I’m studying about ego- and sociocentric thinking right now in my educational leadership masters. Thought this was funny and wanted to share it:
(From Piaget’s study for UNESCO)
Interviewer: If you didn’t have any nationality and you were given a free choice of nationality, which would you choose?
Maurice D. (8 years, 3 months old): Swiss nationality.
I: Why?
M: Because I was born in Switzerland.
I: Now look, do you think the French and Swiss are equally nice, or the one nicer or less nice than the other?
M: The Swiss are nicer.
I: Why?
M: The French are always nasty.
I: Who is ore intelligent, the Swiss or the French, or do you think they’re just the same?
M: The Swiss are more intelligent.
I: Why?
M: Because they learn French quickly.
I: If I asked a French boy to choose any nationality he liked, what country do you think he’d choose?
M: He’d choose France.
I: Why?
M: Because he was born in France.
I: And what would he say about who is nicer? Would he think the Swiss and French equally nice, or one better than the other?
M: He’d say the French are nicer.
I: Why?
M: Because he was born in France.
I: And who would he think more intelligent?
M: The French.
I: Why?
M: He’d say the French want to learn quicker than the Swiss.
I: Now you and the French boy don’t really give the same answer. Who do you think answered best?
M: I did.
I: Why?
M: Because Switzerland is always better.
=o) I laugh, but how many adults still have this mentality? More than I’d like to know. Letting go of rigidity of thought and of self-serving mentality, catching myself in that thinking and changing it, appreciating the points of view of others, sacrificing my desires to meet someone else’s basic needs, defending the innocent and those not present, thinking of how I can serve the world instead of how I can get the world to serve me, monitoring my motivation for my actions, improving my thinking, trusting in God to change my heart and make me wiser, letting Him do it, always striving to be my best, and “[Acting] on all impressions to do good” (Camilla Kimball)…this is how I can contribute to a stronger “We”.
You’re a good example of this, Clint. Congratulations on a successful presentation at the E.U.! Very exciting stuff.
Mr. Clint
I hope you still remeber me though i changed my profile photo to a photo i took in 2005,
Its me Moses we met on the freight when you were going to Uganda and we talked about Masese project and some other issues .
Any way to come to the quesition one thing is true they are great questions that need an elaborate and clear answer and as a believer in fairness and moral justice Its very true that the mentality of the I individualism is what has brought us to where we are here world wide The I mentality has led to Millions of people to die of curable diseases, lucking the basics needs as human that is food, shelter, cloths, clean water, toilet, education, and a right to a descent life this is because some one out there who has been entrusted with power and provided with the resources to use it and reach out to the peoples needs and provide the said things instead does it for him self this is largely happens and is happening right now in many if not all African countries. Millions of dolars have been swindled by many people in power stached in various foreign Bank A/cs while we are seeing millions dying of hunger, diseases, accidents due to poor infrastructures, Literacy levels still high, leading to so many anti social behaviours early marriages, rape, high motality rates all this is because of individulism the I mentality. People have abondoned God they have Abandoned the Morality that religion call for and that is why we are here still here and we will be here for may years to come unles we as a Human race come back to the Morals of Justice Morals that the religion calls for Morals understanding that we are one and we should take care of one another regardless of color, creed, regards of the social status We are all Humans and because we all know our destiny we should know that we belong as a people in oneness and that is WE are one if we believe that we are realy one the problems i have mentioned above would have been history this world
as i was telling a pakistan friend the other day that God created this earth to be a paradise for the mankind He provided every thing that would confort man to live in i mentioned to him that look If one wanted food you would and pick a fruit up root tubes, If you wanted fish just reach out to the sea or lake, if you wanted Medicine reach out to the forest pick medicinal leaves it you wanted shelter there is tree to build the shelter the sand i mean every thing that man wanted was provided by God the what else do we need all what God wanted us to do was to have plenty of time to thank him praise him and help each other in which way . Have we done that NO instead we are trying to destroy each other for the survival of I. i i
I like such phrases Used by the American President during the presidential campaigns THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD, I WILL BE MY SISTER & BROTHERS KEEPER, We belong together that is why the astraunat did not see the boudaries that separates us. the I mentaly has created misery of un proportional measure it a great scare on the face of the earth As an individual if its not for injustce and I mentality i don’t think i need to stach EVEN 1BILLION DOLAR in an account for me to leave on untill i die people have more than that and are still geting at the expense of the poor of this world.
I hope Mr. Clint the people of this world realise and change from that I Mentality to WE mentality and the future will be a prosperous future if if you call for a movement to change this world i will be very happy to join.
May God who has chosen you to talk on behaif of the the many protect you and guide in all your endvours.
Thanks all.
I loved reading Your comments!
They have given me so many more deep things to think about in regards to these questions.
What an interesting world we live in. So glad to have friends like You.
?”…to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty…”
~A. Einstein
You should really run for president or congress someday. I would feel a lot beter about voting for you than these guys running today
Hi Clint,
I have not been able to view the video, I wonder why.
Hi James,
Are you able to get YouTube videos from the location where you are viewing the Internet?
That might be the problem?
I went from watching a video of Dr. Naram, shining light that he is, to delighting in your video. So many souls beaming their radiant hearts, this is how we go to more of a we consciousness. I see my potential, standing before me, Hindi, American, etc., it doesn’t matter. It is all the same spark. When the new story of “true abundance” is told by each of us identifying and stepping into our gifts, there is no longer a fear of not enough. This is what created the me story.
Thanks Dawn.
I resonate with what you are saying — about how much of the “Me”ness comes from fear of “not enough”.
Hi Clint!
I so love the story about the astronaut.
How about some simple practices for developing “we” thinking? Mental and physical we-exercises? Sports at their best foster we-thinking, but also them-thinking. So I’m even wondering about inventing different sports… With practice, we-memes would start to embed into the culture.
As for what I can do… I’m currently very focused on writing online wisdom circle functionality. The software is almost to where I can show an end-to-end demo. At any rate, circles are a we-thing and I hypothesize that as people learn to converse and work in circle, that will help to shift perspectives.
Be well!
Ah yes, I like your idea a lot, Jeff.
At one point I wondered if we could create something where instead of the Olympics where people from around the world come to compete against each other — what if we had some game or sport where people from around the world came to compete together.
Perhaps part of the challenge is to find the best ways to use the international collaborations to spark innovations in solutions to different real-world challenges?
Hmm indeed. As a child, I was simply not drawn to anything competitive. Not even card games.
I get that the only thing we are to “compete” with are the patterns of unconsciousness. Imagine sports in which collaborative teams “compete” to address global challenges (like the X Prize) and reveal how magical life is. And everyone wins.
Yes Clint,
in Guatemala Ciudad thinking about Libertad at Universidad Francisco Marroquin. What a change after so many years in China and Africa! I wanted to use some technology in the local French International school to teach better communication skills to the students. Most of my students had got a Green, Blue, White, Blackberry, all of them potential language and communication personal mobile labs. I have found neither “we” … nor “I”. The “I” may be disappearing although the “We” is not developping well enough. I was just fired 🙂 Well I have to improve my communication skills, for sure 🙂
The new Nobel Price in Literature from Peru was saying that Nationalism was the worse invention of man. Politics draw so many invisible lines. And technologies may be part of the game. Not neutral as you know. Wanna think more about Libertad and how to design technologies to promote the “We” without destroying the “I” ? Check this one: Libertad Digital.
and you may want to listen to this as well (in Spanish): Libertad – liberal …
My answer to your special question :
Understand each other and any technology promoting a better understanding, may be a crime… Especially if promoting a collective understanding.