Web Presence of P. Clint Rogers, PhD – Global Culture, Training and Technology Specialist
“A master at the art of living makes no distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his education and his recreation, his love and his religion. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues with excellence what he is about and leaves others to determine whether he is working or playing. He himself knows he is always doing both.” (Wilfred A. Peterson)
I don’t necessarily think that I’m a ‘master of the art of living’, but I try to make decisions based on what I am passionate about and love to meet others who do as well.
Many of my affiliations and other links of interests are displayed on the sidebar.
I am currently organizing the 5th International Workshop on Technologies for Education in Developing Countries (TEDC 2008), this year in Kampala, Uganda on July 31-Aug 2. Check it out at: http://cs.joensuu.fi/tedc2008/
I am also teaching one of the first university level Web Analytics classes. You can check out our community class space at: http://ebiz2.byu.edu/analytics/
Here is my short bio:
P. Clint Rogers is currently part-time faculty in the Marriott School of Management at BYU. He is also involved as a researcher and PhD supervisor with the University of Joensuu, Finland — working with the IMPDET program (International Multidisciplinary PhD Studies in Educational Technology www.impdet.org). He holds a doctorate in Instructional Psychology and Technology, with specific research interests in international business, global virtual teams, web analytics, decision automation and predictive analysis, reaching human potential, the cultural customization of online learning and technology, the philosophical roots of education and science, and the impact of media and technological diffusion on business, international development, and social change.