Living and Passion; Creating and Inspiration

Before I get to the post, I’d like you to watch this video. Don’t worry. It’s short. And I think it sets the tone for what follows. I’d love to embed the video, but the computer is smarter than me right now. So you can watch it here. One of the...

Harlem Children’s Zone

I just listened to an episode of NPR’s This American Life, that told the story of Harlem’s Children Zone. Founded by Geoffrey Canada, HCZ has the stated goal to eliminate poverty in Harlem for all children. Not a reasonable percentage – but all of...

On Taking Feedback

This blog post is brought to you by the letters J, A, S, O, and N. There is an old screenwriter’s rule-of-thumb: If someone reading your script tells you it has a problem, they’re probably right. If they try to tell you exactly what’s wrong,...

Whose need comes first?

A small company in Utah recently went through a few rounds of layoffs. I bet you can repeat along with me how they announced it to employees. It’s nothing personal, but . . . Well, in these tough times sometimes you just have to . . . The reality of 21st century...