Nobel Peace Prize winner F.W. de Klerk on global inter-connectedness, the root causes of conflict, and the role of U.S. leadership: What can one person do?

What can one person do to make the world a better, safer place? In a previous blog entry I talked about meeting Nelson Mandela, who is such an inspirational character. On Tuesday of this week I met and shook hands with his predecessor as president of South Africa,...

Announcing the EDULINK Consortium of African and European Universities for ICT4D: …And discussing ways in which Africa is already rich (and can give aid to the world)

I am back in Finland again. (Have I ever mention how much I like this place? – If you have never been to Finland before, you need to reconsider your life goals) 🙂 Part of why I like the University of Joensuu is because of their strong international programs, and...