by Clint | Sep 18, 2007 | Attempt at Funny, Random
It is true that with 1/5th the world’s population (1.3 billion people), an exploding industrial economy, and sketchy national restrictions – there is cause for concern over China’s environmental policy. Recently walking the streets of Shanghai,...
by Clint | Sep 5, 2007 | Attempt at Funny, Cross-cultural perspectives, Random
I went to an official Finnish university ceremony today. I found out that, first of all, there is no college graduation ceremony in Finland – you just kind of get your degree and that’s it (although every four years after that there is a...
by Clint | Aug 29, 2007 | Attempt at Funny, Random
I love to talk about Finland! I am surprised by how little most people in the US know about Finland (including myself before about two years ago). It seems like the ones who do know about it love it, are passionate about it, and know quite a bit about it (I even...