I was able to meet briefly with the current ambassador from Uganda last week following a presentation I attended where he spoke.
The instant I mentioned the work we were doing in ICT4D (Information and Communication Technology for Development) he perked up and showed keen interest, saying ICT was one of his highest priorities.
As we talked, it was fun to tell him about the University of Joensuu and the work being done there, including the work being done in Uganda, the scholarship opportunities open for Ugandans, and the things we are learning from the people and experiences there.
He invited me to come and visit with him next time I am in Washington D.C.
As I’ve been trying to clarify some of my life goals, I keep thinking about previous blog entries and wondering how things might lead me back to Uganda?
Incredibly exciting! It is so fulfilling to see doors opened in front of you as you pursue your interests and go forward with faith! Seems like an opportunity unfolding right in front of your eyes. And exhilarating to know there is a place for you in it, which you will no doubt find as you keep going forward. You are blessed with such great opportunities. Don’t blow it =o) jk. I’m happy and excited for you. The future is bright!
Thanks for your vote of confidence 🙂
It is exciting, and I think I am becoming more and more aware of how much is possible that I never even considered a possibility before.
We only get one life to live, might as well make the most of it.
You don’t know me, but I thought your post was very interesting since I could relate to it. I am a student in the IPT department. I went to Mozambique this summer to do an evaluation for an NGO there. While I was there I visited with a government official there in charge of the provinces of Mozambique. It was honor for me to meet with this person and it made me realize how many opportunities the world has to offer. Like you said… we only get one life to live.
Andrea, I am doing a project right now which includes a university from Mozambique. It would be nice to talk with you more about your experience and the evaluation that you did.